Posted by: Renato Sa | November 10, 2008

“Everything started in South America!”

Obama’s election started in South America. Well, at least that’s what Lula thinks. According to the President of Brazil, this shows a trend that began with himself in 2002 and continued with the elections of Evo Morales (Bolivia), Fernando Lugo (Paraguay) and Tabaré Vazquez (Uruguay).

Problem is that Lula forgot two “minor” issues. First, Obama graduated in Harvard and Columbia. Second, the American people couldn’t care less about what happens in Latin America and don’t have a clue about those elections mentioned by Lula.

Sure enough, it was really amazing the fact that a poor metallurgist was elected President of one of the largest countries on Earth. But that’s it. You just can’t compare with the US elections.

By the way, Lula is trying to get together with Barack Obama next Saturday in Washington before the G20 meeting.

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